In-depth Reporting Award Commentary Award Press Photo Award Press Video Award Short Video Award on the Fight against COVID-19
Platform for promoting multilateralism and deeper integration
My commentaries on Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), fundamentally look for opening up new opportunities for Nepal, South Asia and the region as a whole. Those write ups evolve around for harnessing cooperation, mutual benefits and fostering goodwill through win-win partnership, connectivity development and benefiting the grassroots people. I call upon the leaders to remain committed, transparent and open to exchange cooperation and look forward with new vigor, energy and promises. All my articles prod the government officials and stakeholders to be a part of the BRI, take maximum benefit out of it and be a part of an inclusive development through the connectivity network and infrastructure development. Since Nepal is a landlocked country, my entry looks for developing a railway network along the Nepal-China routes since that benefits the entire South Asia plus China.
Belt and Road Initiative and the Prospects for Post-COVID-19 Recoveries in Africa
Even before the dust of disruptions and devastation inflicted on lives and livelihoods by the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic settles, robust conversations and actionable roadmaps are well underway to facilitate a global recovery and, in particular, uplift struggling economies in Africa.
China and BRI countries should jointly deal with pandemic-led economic slump
When the whole world is consumed by a pandemic of a scale unseen in the last five decades, the global economic prospects look nothing but grim. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has already forecasted that the global economy will likely face the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and far worse than the global financial crisis in 2008 as many countries across the globe remain in a lockdown for months, bringing most of their economic activities to an abrupt halt.
Magufuli's posture rare, deserves much support
WHEREAS last Tuesday was no special day as it doesn't bear commemorative status like, for instance, Independence and Union Day, it was nonetheless special within the context of the General Election slated for the coming October for which the Tanzanian electorate is gearing up. Beyond the electorate at home, though, the day is significant because it hosted, so to speak, a process that focused on an individual who has a critical bearing on that election. That person is President John Pom be Magufuli, and the process in question being his submission of nomination forms from individuals who are supporting his presidential candidacy under the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) ticket, to the party's secretariat. In essence, therefore, Dr Magufuli may now be characterised alternately as CCM Presidential Candidate, since, Come Election Day, he will be in contention for the top seat alongside candidates fielded by other political parties. Back to Tuesday's event, it is significant that the aspirants candidature garnered the endorsement of over one million people, a testimony to the widespread support base that he commands. Similarly significant, however; are the sentiments that he expressed at the event, giving a deeper insight amongst his compatriots as well as people beyond the Land of Kilimanjaro, of the psyche of the incumbent national leader.
Pakistan and China vows to defeat inimical forces challenging CPEC
The article states that the sacrifice of the two security officials in a terror attack on Chinese consulate and the immediate action of law enforcement agencies signals that the people of Pakistan and armed forces are guarantor of peace, development and the long lasting friendship of both countries. The martyrdom of Pakistani security forces in foiling the terror attack is a message for international community that country's armed forces have sacrificed greatly for regional peace, security and for the protection of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which has cultivated tangible results and benefits for the society. The quick and successful response of brave security forces has shown that elements attempting to hamper the smooth progress on CPEC and strategic Pak-China relations will be taken down to death. The recent significant visit of PM Imran Khan to China just after the formation of new government in Pakistan concluded that all weather friends have a strong commitment towards regional security environment, challenges and way forward. Pakistan and China have always vowed that those who oppose the strategic relationship and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) shall never succeed as this is an initiative of peace and development not only for China but for the region and beyond.
Nepal Looks to China With Optimism
My commentaries always focus on Sino-Nepal friendship and importance of BRI for Nepal as a neighbor of China, in terms of infrastructure development and economic prosperity. In my opinion, BRI can be seen as an accumulated form of Chinese experiences and expertise on fastest model of infrastructure development and economic prosperity in the world. BRI as a bridge can fulfill the infrastructure shortfall in Asia and beyond for a greater connectivity paving the regional and global integration. In Nepal, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has become almost synonymous to 'Rail and Roads'. People in Nepal have always have high hope on BRI projects.
BRI a major game changer for Bangladesh
In the commentary, the story of Nadira Karim is an epitome of how the BRI has come as blessings for millions of people of Bangladesh. The BRI has raised their hopes and they now dream of becoming self-reliant. Nadira's story is just one example of how the initiative is changing the lives of ordinary people of Bangladesh. The commentary has also portrayed how the BRI has emerged as a major game changer for Bangladesh by profoundly contributing to its economy since the country formally joined the initiative in 2016. In this case, I have cited the Bangladesh Power System Upgrade and Expansion Project that has benefited more than seven million Bangladeshis by helping provide electricity connections to over 2.5 million rural people. Besides, the commentary also mentioned that China is now implementing $10 billion worth of infrastructure projects in Bangladesh. Finally, I have reached the conclusion that the BRI has eventually come out as a major game changer for Bangladesh as the initiative has successfully been playing vital roles in developing the living standard and quality of life of its people by contributing to its overall advancement.
Why China's Belt and Road is Beneficial to Kenya and the Region
In the commentary, the writer, acknowledges that the Beijing-led concept has been gaining momentum in Africa ever since, and stating the reasons why China's economic success, according to Eric, sets an example the world must follow. He says most African countries believe that through this framework, the continent will replicate the Chinese milestones. He highlights how the One Belt One Road concept will provide African countries with new opportunities to unleash their potential for strong development. It shows the link between China's path to prosperity and robust connectivity. The report describes how a robust railway, road and air infrastructure, and thousands of miles of expressways have been the greatest drivers of Chinese growth. The report further delves into Africa's Industrialization dream. In the report, Eric incorporates views of experts who believe that the Belt and Road initiative provides a strategic chance to anchor China's development strategy with the African vision.
A paradigm shift in global governance
The article talks about how perceptions regarding globalization have changed in the recent years, especially with Xi Jinping coming to power in China. Globalization previously had been thought of as a neoliberal mechanism espoused by western countries for exploiting markets and resources of underdeveloped and developing countries. However, globalization aspired by the Xi Jinping Thought is inclusive and believes that it should benefit all the countries and people irrespective of their size or development status. In my article, I have argued that Xi Jinping Thought aspires to build a better society for all through inclusive globalization. In my article I have mentioned that globalization and global governance have gone through a paradigm shift owing to a more proactive China under Xi Jinping. My articles states that BRI is one such example of China trying to help other developing nations through infrastructure development and job creation.
Belt and Road Forum key to free world trade
This entry is made up of four opinion/commentary articles touching on various subjects which relate to the Belt and Road Initiative, especially demonstrating the importance of this new developmental idea. There is an opinion provoked by the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) held in Beijing in May 2017. The opinion piece shows clearly how BRI has become an important aspect of world trade, changing the status quo for the betterment of the global economy. It clearly indicates that a new world order of fairness in international trade is being created. The other commentary piece focuses on how the BRI is improving people-to-people exchanges between Chinese and Africans, considering the projects being carried out along the "Silk Road" which are directly benefiting the people. The piece also notes that people-to-people relations are important for the success of the BRI. Without the involvement of people from both sides, BRI becomes difficult to implement. The article on the China-Africa Development Fund puts this institution at the center of the BRI initiative, clearly indicating the role this fund is playing in enhancing the success of the BRI. The article recommends African countries to create a conducive atmosphere for the availing of investment funds through this fund. The other article dwells on how the Zimbabwean car industryis changing, using the unveiling of a partnership between Willowvale Motor Industries (WMI) and Beijing Automobile International Corporation (BAIC) as one ofthe major projects brought about by the BRI initiative.
China the upcoming economic superpower
This article was about the China Pakistan Economics Corridor and its importance for the new Pakistani government after assuming charge. This write up narrated that how the economic stability is Important for the world and how different countries in past and present established their economic zones and groups to strengthen their economies. This article proved that the importance of CPEC under the belt and road initiative while giving different examples. Where publishing material also discussed about the back ground of CPEC and its history, it also showed the previous references of that project. Moreover, this article discussed the reservation of west and how particularly USA has issues with it.
CPEC Emerging as Economic Boon for Pakistan
The article is about that the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, has emerged as an icon of socioeconomic development for Pakistan and has made it a destination of peace and international investment. Since its launch, the CPEC has helped to create a conducive and favorable environment for the country, guaranteeing prosperity, a bright future and security along with a sustainable economy. To ensure the smooth launch and better execution of the project, both sides along with mutual and meaningful consultations based on the vision of a win-win situation pushed forward by the Chinese leadership, divided the CPEC implementation plan into three phases.