Silk Road Global News Awards / Entry details page
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Author:CGTN AFRICA Switch TV Kenya
Awards applied for: Short Video Award on the Fight against COVID-19
Title of entry:Philanthropy in the face of COVID-19
Participating organizations: Personal
Introduction to entry:
This is a story of a 44 year old water vendor who is supplying water for free to more than 20 families of the sick elderly and vulnerable. Those that cannot get water to improve their hygiene from the pandemic. The Covid 19 pandemic has been tough on the elderly and with her gesture, the less privileged are able to observe the guidelines to keep the virus at bay.
Introduction to author:
I have been a journalist for 10 years now, working as a news anchor and reporter with the leading TV stations in Kenya like KTN News ,NTV and Supersport Africa. I also have experience in radio and newspaper writing. My passion as a journalist is to change lives and make them better.
Philanthropy in the face of COVID-19
2020年11月8日 CGTN YouTube
Phylanthropy in the face of COVID-19