Silk Road Global News Awards / Entry details page
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Author:Jahangir Khan
Awards applied for: Press Photo Award
Title of entry:Keeping the Tradition Alive
Participating organizations: Personal
Introduction to entry:
For the past fifty-two years Kashmir Khatun has been sewing different colorful patches of clothes into large quilts, bed sheets and beautiful Sindhi cultural clothes. The extremely talented Kashmir katun belongs to a backward area of Shamsheer Shah neighborhood in the city of Sukkur. Kashmir is a courageous Mirani tribe woman and is 72 years old. She has established a center within her home to convey her talent of Ralli making to other women of her area. She has more than two hundred students. She has also taught her skills to her daughters, sisters, nieces and granddaughters. Numerous international organizations have awarded her prizes and certificates for her marvelous Ralli creations. Kashmir Khatun has also worked with various NGOs to empower women so that they can earn a livelihood for their families. She has been promoting Sindhi cultural heritage at exhibitions and many other platforms. Kashmir has also been a part of the prestigious All Pakistan Women's Association (APWA) for more than three decades because of her contributions in the field of Ralli art. She has presented and sold her work in countless exhibitions. People also hire her to make large scale orders for Ralli clothes and other textile products. Her work is sold and liked across major cities of Pakistan. Through her hard work and passion, not only did she kept the Sindhi tradition alive, but also managed to earn a living for her family. She empowered herself from the skill of Ralli making and got her children higher education. Now all her children are well educated and are working at good organizations. Her Ralli teaching center is still operative and her daughters, granddaughters and students are keeping this colorful tradition alive.
Introduction to author:
Keeping the Tradition Alive
2016年 Daily Web Desk