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Author:Humphery Moshi
Awards applied for: Commentary Award
Title of entry:Magufuli's posture rare, deserves much support
Participating organizations: Personal
Introduction to entry:
WHEREAS last Tuesday was no special day as it doesn't bear commemorative status like, for instance, Independence and Union Day, it was nonetheless special within the context of the General Election slated for the coming October for which the Tanzanian electorate is gearing up. Beyond the electorate at home, though, the day is significant because it hosted, so to speak, a process that focused on an individual who has a critical bearing on that election. That person is President John Pom be Magufuli, and the process in question being his submission of nomination forms from individuals who are supporting his presidential candidacy under the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) ticket, to the party's secretariat. In essence, therefore, Dr Magufuli may now be characterised alternately as CCM Presidential Candidate, since, Come Election Day, he will be in contention for the top seat alongside candidates fielded by other political parties. Back to Tuesday's event, it is significant that the aspirants candidature garnered the endorsement of over one million people, a testimony to the widespread support base that he commands. Similarly significant, however; are the sentiments that he expressed at the event, giving a deeper insight amongst his compatriots as well as people beyond the Land of Kilimanjaro, of the psyche of the incumbent national leader.
Introduction to author:
Magufuli's posture rare, deserves much support

