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Author:Tatyana Sudakova
Awards applied for: In-depth Reporting Award
Title of entry:The envy of Russian old people: there are no beggars Among Chinese pensioners
Participating organizations: Personal
Introduction to entry:
Life of retirees in China. Within the framework of the journalists' BRNN Media workshop. While criticizing that the pension reform in Russia has brought more poor elderly people, she points out that China adheres to the position of the people and tries to solve the poverty problem of the masses while building an economic power. It also looks into the future prospects of the Belt and Road initiative for improving people's living standards.
Introduction to author:
Tatyana Sudakova, the editor of the Internet-magazine "Svobodnaya Pressa" which has about one million readers per week.
The envy of Russian old people: there are no beggars Among Chinese pensioners
2019-11-14 Svobodnaya Pressa

The envy of Russian old people: there are no beggars Among Chinese pensioners

In Russia the number of poor people will continue to grow and especially among the elderly.

Earlier, at the dawn of my misty youth, I thought that by old age our generation will be like Western pensioners, travel around the world, continue to dress in fashionable things, and not turn into bent old men and old women in shabby clothes. After all, the illiterate old people were replaced and continue to be replaced by pensioners of new advanced generations, educated, who had time to see something, travel around the world. And what happens? After the pension reform, you can not wait for a pension at all, and it is unlikely that we will live better. In Russia, detachments of old men who are weak and poor remain unchanged, unless, of course, they continue to work until they are 90 years old, and I know some of them, believe me. 70-year-olds working in Moscow have long been commonplace, it is almost a young age. And this is not a cool example, as when the pension reform was adopted a year ago, the Central channels gave out, telling about the vitality of our people, but the misery of our pension system. It boils down to how people should spend their entire life taking money away from them, and then leave a pension at the end of it, so that there is not a single thought about retiring to a well-deserved rest.

Deserved-sounds rude mockery. Russians deserve very little. When they adopted the pension reform, it became clear that they did not deserve anything at all.

I was thinking about all this when I boarded the flight from Moscow to Beijing. A huge plane Packed with Chinese pensioners. Everyone has in their hands, if not an iPhone of the latest model, then their fancy native Chinese smartphones of different brands. In China, its technology is now so much that against the background of the middle Kingdom, Russia seems to be a savage country that does not have its own phone, but it seems even a pager.


It is useless to fall to your knees: Russians are preparing for a new increase in the retirement age, the Ripper tries on the official uniform, it is useless to wait for mercy from the authorities.

Recently, the Russian President said that if we lag behind in technology, we will lose everything. But we have long lost and fallen behind! And the main indicator of this backwardness is the same pensioners. I watched with envy as 60-80-year-old Chinese people enthusiastically exchanged messages with their family and friends in their social networks, shared photos of our Kremlin and views of St. Petersburg. A few of our pensioners will be able to see the Forbidden city in Beijing or Tiananmen square, and what Chinese attractions there are. Even in Russia, it has become an impossible pleasure to fly. The average pension in the country is about 15 thousand rubles, and it will cost the far East to fly to Moscow only in one direction or more expensive, or almost as much. And here in General, there was talk that planes to the far East will stop subsidizing. They say that it is not profitable for domestic companies to fly to the far East. However, later, the government said that this was not the case, but cheap tickets were sold out in one day. And it is still very expensive to fly to the far East. And not that old people, but absolutely everyone. Even those who did not fall under the pension reform. Not yet.

But back to the Chinese old men. They like to tell us that no one pays Chinese pensioners any money at all, and yet China not only pays huge pensions, at 80-90 percent of the basic salary, but constantly declares that the level of income of the population is growing. And this is very noticeable. Even the number of tourists from China to Russia and their composition. The standard of living of the elderly is the first indicator of how the country lives. In China, the elderly live much better than our own. There are still poor people, especially in rural areas. But China has reduced this number several times in recent years and soon promises to completely abolish this phenomenon. We also have promises, but there are more and more poor people. After the pension reform, there are many times more of them.

Chinese media reports that by the end of this year, about 95% of the population considered poor by current standards can get rid of poverty, 90% of poor counties will remove the label of poverty. In another year of work in this direction, China will have completely and historically solved the problem of absolute poverty. In another year — that is, by 2021. The "one belt — one road" project will also help in this.

We are talking with Wu Mingsu, a Professor at the Chinese University of communications, who uses the example of her family to tell us how the welfare of her family and her environment grew.

Wu Mingsu, says that once her father, a Chinese officer, married her mother and gave her a Bicycle for her wedding, it was the most luxurious gift. The officer had a salary of 150 yuan, my mother, at that time working, received 50 yuan. Then, in the early 60s of the last century, the Chinese instead of greeting each other asked:

—"Did you eat today?" — We were so poor that we didn't get to eat every day. Now, according to Wu Minsu, her mother and mother-in-law, who are over 80, have the opportunity to travel around the world, hire housekeepers. They receive a pension of 80-90 percent of their salary. With an income of about 8-9000 yuan, which is about 80 thousand rubles for our money, it is not bad, more than a thousand dollars, which is a very decent income for the Chinese, although not the highest.

Of course, not everyone has such pensions, but state employees, doctors, and teachers are definitely better off than others. The average pension in the country is about 2,500 yuan, which is about 25,000 Russian rubles. Ten thousand more than the Russian average pension. At the same time, the purchasing power of the yuan is much higher. What is important at the same time, no one is going to raise the retirement age for Chinese people from 60 years for men and 55 for women, Although as elsewhere in the world, Chinese society is also aging. But he grows old with dignity, living better and better. It's not scary to get old there.

Prices for plane tickets are becoming more affordable, a lot of new flights are being added, in addition, there are a lot of high-speed trains in China, and if Wu Munsu used to get to her parents' home in 24 hours, now it is only four.

Living conditions have changed a lot. Previously, every Chinese had 7-8 square meters of housing, now 39.

We can't even dream of such indicators yet. Neither by the number of square meters, nor by pensions. But if you look at how we changed our path of development — China and the USSR, we did not live one order of magnitude better. In any case, ordinary people, pensioners who receive decent pensions and who were not threatened by the pension reform with the withdrawal of money.

China is not only building an economically powerful state. But also a social state in which there are no extra people and the elderly are not forgotten.

I probably have never envied anyone in any country, even the most developed, as much as the Chinese are now, by God. And although it is the Chinese who say that God forbid to live in an era of change, their changes in comparison with our one pension reform, just the highest grace. When the authorities do not care about their own profit, but simply do not forget about their people. The declared one belt-one road project makes China's economy even more powerful.
