Silk Road Global News Awards / Entry details page
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Author:Austrian media production company
Awards applied for: Short Video Award on the Fight against COVID-19
Title of entry:Only with Unity Can We Overcome the Crisis China and Austria together against COVID-19
Participating organizations: Personal
Introduction to entry:
This video was produced by the Austrian media production company "Derflinger Bild- und Textwerkstatt". It documents the China-Austria joint efforts of fighting against COVID-19, in other words, how China and Austria supported each other in difficult times. The Chinese embassy in Austria made and collected huge amounts of media resources about fighting against COVID-19 and the collaboration between these two countries. With the help of the Chinese embassy, "Derflinger Bild- und Textwerkstatt" sorted all resources and came up with the video structure based on the timeline of events. With many photos and video clips, this 5-minute video documents nearly all collaborations between these two countries since the outbreak and aims to make people understand and remember the solid friendship between China and Austria. It was a challenge to cover the information and events of several months in a short video that only lasts a few minutes. Fortunately, the Chinese embassy and "Derflinger Bild- und Textwerkstatt" had very smooth communication and a productive collaboration. Due to the successful international cooperation, this meaningful video documents and introduces the solid friendship between two countries to the world.
Introduction to author:
Guo Hanwei, who works at "Derflinger Bild- und Textwerkstatt", is the main editor of the video. She got her bachelor degree in Hangzhou and master degree in London. She has 8 years work experience at Hangzhou TV station as a Chinese-English bilingual moderator and journalist. She has participated in G20 summit reporting, made overseas interviews and hosted plenty of events. Since 2018 she started working at "Derflinger Bild- und Textwerkstatt" in Austria and all China-related projects were led by her. From director to editor, from translator to moderator, she has played many different roles in varieties of projects. Regarding the international projects about communication between China and Austria, Guo Hanwei might have better understanding and experience. Due to international education background and work experience, she understands both sides very well and knows what is the right solution to bring two sides together.
Only with Unity Can We Overcome the Crisis China and Austria together against COVID-19
China and Austria fight against Corona(Chinese Version)
China and Austria fight against Corona